p5js at Gobelins 2021

Creative Coding with Raph - October 2021

Thanks to Raphaël de Courville who invited me to teach at his sides, I got to share my knowledge on p5.js with the Interactive Developement and Design Masters students. Funnily enough, this was a few months before joining that same Masters program.

Here are some of the results:

Unknown Error by dede_la_d

Capable sloth by Julien Vanroy

Wooded salute by Juliette Sage-Aubriot

Violet parade by Yaoyi Luo

Chestnut paperback by Yaoyi Luo

Verbena island by Chloélia Breton

HeroesCustomMapEditor by Sarah Manzaro

Fluorescent harbor by Léon Baudouin

IT by Thi Van An Truong

Curious nyala by alexandrefrosty

Witty wannanosaurus by Vincent Largillet

flowers by Marie-Liesse de Solages